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But first, a note from the editors…

Hey Interlake!

Over the last few months, it has been so heartening for us to see all of you scroll through our “Weekly Woof” email send-outs—laugh at the comics, work on the crossword puzzles together, and suggest your friends as features in our "Couple of the Week” and “Student of the Week” articles.

Your feedback has inspired us to try something different.

In the past, The Interlake Inquirer has revolved around digital, quarterly publications. Let’s face it: you’ve probably never read one of them. This year, we want to bring our student newspaper to the forefront of Interlake students’ academic lives.

We’re excited to announce that this year, we will be focused on writing about issues that you find interesting, people that you personally know, and groups that you are involved in. We are also excited to announce that this year, we hope to print Interlake High School’s first physical newspaper to distribute around the school.

With that being said, please enjoy The Interlake Inquirer’s first publication of the 2022-2023 school year.

Thanks for your support!

Sayana (Editor-in-Chief), Ananya (Senior Editor), Peter (Senior Editor), & Trinity (Sophomore Editor)

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